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Creating a Sensory Moon Garden

Plants that glow under moonlight give nighttime a time to look forward to. There you can find healing, and achieve better physical, mental, and spiritual wellness.

Many of us like to contemplate at night. Sitting under a bright moon while surrounded by flowers and shrubs that seem to glow from the reflection of the moon provides a magical atmosphere that encourages healing.

The magical colors

The plant colors that look particularly enchanting at night are grays, whites, and yellows. Look for these colors when designing your garden.

Plants that reflect moonglow well

Just some of the plants that work great in a moon garden include the following: gray sage, wormwood, lambs ear, Santolina, wooly thyme, petunia, moonflower, and yarrow.

It's not just the appearance that matters

Many plants save their aromatic splendor for the night. They open up and release their sweet smells to attract nighttime pollinators. Look for plants that smell particularly attractive at night to really make the most of your moon garden. Jasmine is a good example of such a flower.

Don't forget the structure of the plants as well. You will see the outline of your garden reflected in the moonlight and you want it to be varied and interesting. Color, structure, and aroma are all important properties of your sensory moon garden.

Some hardscapes look great as well

Add some light-colored hardscape, such as white gravel to really complement the glow of the flowers. Adding both plants and other materials that reflect the moon's glow makes for a great moon garden.

Make it accessible

People are less likely to enjoy a moon garden if it is far from the house. Keep it in a position where it will not take a lot of work to reach. A spontaneous trip outside and a comfortable lounge chair will ensure the enjoyment of the moon garden.

Don't forget the stars

We enjoy better spiritual, mental, and health wellness when we have a place to contemplate the vastness of the universe and our place in it. If the light pollution where you live is not too intense, add a telescope in a prominent place. You can also add design elements that encourage us to ponder the universe. For example, art representative of the moon, stars, or planets, can have a great effect on our garden.


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