There are a few things to consider including in your sensory garden to make a magical sound experience.

Anytime you find some nature, take a seat, close your eyes, and take a moment to really listen, you will find a rich symphony of sounds and vibrations. These are what you will focus on when designing your hearing sensory garden. Here are some general tips to consider when designing your garden.
What natural sounds will you include?
Consider what type of animals you would like to welcome to your garden. For example, butterflies may not be ideal in this location because they don’t make any sound. However, the calm buzzing of bees and whistles of birds would be a fantastic attraction. Don’t forget the always amazing hummingbird. The sounds they make as they float around you are mesmerizing. Maybe you have a pond where you can add some frogs or other creatures. Consider all the natural organisms around you and how that can make the sensory garden more sonorific.
Don’t forget the sound of plants as they rustle in the wind. Which leaves provide the greatest symphony of sound? What about flowers? Don’t forget that some plants give their beauty but then, in their death, dry to make spectacular music in a breeze. For example, consider alliums. They grow to attract bees and other organisms, die, dry out, and then scrape against each other in a breeze to add another element of sound in the garden. Consider how plants can contribute to a hearing garden for their entire life cycle.
What human activated sounds will you include?
No hearing sensory garden is truly complete without some movement of water. You probably want to keep the sound soft and subtle so as to not drown out the other sounds, but a trickle of water adds so much. Not only does the water relax us, but it also draws birds such as hummingbirds to the garden.
You may want to consider some soft chimes as well. Maybe some tubes that whistle softly with the flowing wind, or a fixed tongue drum where people can softly play a tune. There are so many options. You can make it a rich interactive hearing experience for all those who enter your sensory garden.
How can you keep outside sounds out?
Finally, how do you keep the outside out and the inside in? People don’t go to your sensory garden to listen to cars or other people. Consider soundproofing measures such as thick hedges or tall walls covered in vines. Do your best to make the experience immersive, so people can forget about their stressful lives and find some time to relax.
Making the most out of sound is fun. You can add things to your sensory garden that will quickly attract animals or make other rich sounds. Have fun designing your garden!