Having an open space in the middle of the garden is easy on the eyes and gives a place to lay down. One option for the central open space is turfgrass.
Keep it open in the middle
Every garden needs a central open shape to relax the eyes and provide a place for reflection, yoga, wrestling with kids, or any other activities that invite peace and wellness. The space does not have to be large, but it should be there, nonetheless.
There are a variety of options for the central open shape. If you are planning on turfgrass, you have many options to choose from. The following is a list of turfgrass options and some things to consider before making a choice.
Warm Season Grasses (only green during the warm season)
Blue grama: Low traffic tolerance but requires little water
Buffalograss: Like blue grama, low traffic tolerance with very little water
Cool Season Grasses: The Bluegrasses
Perennial ryegrass: Can handle a lot of traffic but requires a relatively large amount of water
Kentucky bluegrass: Great for handling traffic and great ability to go dormant during drought and to green up when the water comes. Requires a lot of water during hot, dry times of the year.
Sandberg bluegrass: Medium traffic tolerance. Greens up early, drought-tolerant, but early dormancy in the Summer.
Fine fescue: Lots of water, medium traffic tolerance, low fertilization in naturalized areas, and keeps its color.
Tall fescue: Lots of water, retains color, deep roots, but stiffer feel.
No water is necessary once established. Low traffic tolerance, dormant in Summer.
Turfgrass not the only option
While turfgrass may be great for many gardens, don't feel constrained to just that option. A central open shape can be composed of pavers, a pond, or other materials.